



Netconf & YANG



MQTT-Netconf-YANG Bridge

LED-Color: blue

mosquitto_pub -d -h localhost -p 1883 -t "yang/config" -m '{ 
"device":{ "description": "MQTT-Device identified by UUID",
 "uuid":{ "type": "string", "value": "F97dfF79-8A12-4F4F-8F69-6B8F3C2EdadDD" },
 "device-category":{ "description": "Identifies the device category", "type": "string", "value":"L-LAMP" } }, 
"rpc": { "set_color_blue": { "description": "RPC call that sets the LED Color to blue",
 "mqtt-command": "BLUE", "input": { "uuid": { "description": "Sends request to device specified by uuid", "type": "string" } } }, 
"switch_off": { "description": "Switches the LIFX-Led off", "mqtt-command": "OFF" } } }'
      "description":"MQTT-Device identified by UUID",
         "description":"Identifies the device category",
         "description":"RPC call that sets the LED Color to blue",
               "description":"Sends request to device specified by uuid",
         "description":"Switches the LIFX-Led off",

LED-Color: green

mosquitto_pub -d -h localhost -p 1883 -t "yang/config" -m '{ "device":{ "description": "MQTT-Device identified by UUID",
 "uuid":{ "type": "string", "value": "F97dfF79-8A12-4F4F-8F69-6B8F3C2EdadDD" },
 "device-category":{ "description": "Identifies the device category", "type": "string", "value":"L-LAMP" } },
 "rpc": { "set_color_green": { "description": "RPC call that sets the LED Color to green",
 "mqtt-command": "GREEN", "input": { "uuid": { "description": "Sends request to device specified by uuid",
 "type": "string" } } }, "switch_off": { "description": "Switches the LIFX-Led off", "mqtt-command": "OFF" } } }'
      "description":"MQTT-Device identified by UUID",
         "description":"Identifies the device category",
         "description":"RPC call that sets the LED Color to green",
               "description":"Sends request to device specified by uuid",
         "description":"Switches the LIFX-Led off",

LED-Color: green + blue

mosquitto_pub -d -h localhost -p 1883 -t "yang/config" -m '{ 
"device":{ "description": "MQTT-Device identified by UUID", "uuid":{ "type": "string", "value": "F97dfF79-8A12-4F4F-8F69-6B8F3C2EdadDD" }, "device-category":{ "description": "Identifies the device category", "type": "string", "value":"L-LAMP" } }, 
"rpc": { 
"set_color_blue": { "description": "RPC call that sets the LED Color to blue", "mqtt-command": "BLUE", "input": { "uuid": { "description": "Sends request to device specified by uuid", "type": "string" } } },
"set_color_green": { "description": "RPC call that sets the LED Color to green", "mqtt-command": "GREEN", "input": { "uuid": { "description": "Sends request to device specified by uuid", "type": "string" } } }, 
"switch_off": { "description": "Switches the LIFX-Led off", "mqtt-command": "OFF" } } }'
      "description":"MQTT-Device identified by UUID",
         "description":"Identifies the device category",
         "description":"RPC call that sets the LED Color to blue",
               "description":"Sends request to device specified by uuid",
         "description":"RPC call that sets the LED Color to green",
               "description":"Sends request to device specified by uuid",
         "description":"Switches the LIFX-Led off",
m = manager.connect_ssh("localhost", port=44555, username="Thomas", password="admin",allow_agent=False,hostkey_verify=False,look_for_keys=False)
n = xml_.to_ele('<get-schema/>')
n = xml_.to_ele('<get/>')
n = xml_.to_ele('<set_color_blue><uuid>12345</uuid></set_color_blue>')
n = xml_.to_ele('<set_color_green><uuid>12345</uuid></set_color_green>')
n = xml_.to_ele('<switch_off><uuid>1fff</uuid></switch_off>')

:!: ACHTUNG: Server stürzt ab, wenn kein UUID tag angegeben wird.

Setup in iTerm: (cd /Users/Thomas/LIFX/demo):

  • Links: mqtt/LIFX bridge (./mqtt)
  • Mitte: mqtt_publisher (send json)
  • Rechts: mqtt_subscriber (mosquitto_sub -d -h localhost -p 1883 -t „#“)
  • Unten: /usr/local/sbin/mosquitto -c ./mqtt.conf


Virtenv starten:

source python-virtenv/bin/activate


python -i   # Achtung: MQTT Broker muss vorher gestartet sein!


from ncclient import manager
from ncclient import xml_
for capability in m.server_capabilities:
...             print(capability)
m = manager.connect_ssh('', port=10000, username="root", password='C!sc0123',allow_agent=False,hostkey_verify=False,look_for_keys=False)
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ne/netzwerkmanagement.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/01/31 13:41 von admin