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Verteilte Systeme - Distributed Systems
Inhalt der Vorlesung:
- Foundation of operating systems
- Resource-management
- Process abstraction and life-cycle
- Scheduling mechanisms
- Foundation of communication systems
- Two-Army-Problem
- Principal properties of communication channels
- Network transport protocols
- Inter-process communication
- Signals, Shared Memory, Pipes, Sockets
- Typical issues in distributed systems
- Error-cases, Synchronisation, Distributed time-base and event mechanisms
- Socket-programming in Python and C
- Communication Architectures
- Client/Server, Publish/Subscribe, P2P
- Middleware-Architectures
- Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) and application protocols: (HTTP, HTML, XML, JSON)
- Examples of distributed architectures: WWW & MQTT
- Designing RESTful services with AJAX and JSON
Themenstellung des Labors:
- Design of application scenarios for wireless sensor networks
- Using the Contiki-OS for 8/16/32-bit microcontrollers
- Analysis of use cases for communication protocols
- Real-time communication
- Management of limited resources
- Energy efficiency
- Excessive packet drop and delay
- Secure deployment and operation
- A. Tanenbaum, M. van Steen: Distributed Systems, Prentice-Hall
- R. Stevens, S. Rago: Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Addison-Wesley
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