====== SDN Hardware ======
Im Labor stehen 2 SDN Switche zur Benutzung bereit:
=== EdgeCore AS4610-54T ===
* 48 Port - 1 Gbit/s
* 4 Port SFP+ - 10 Gbit/s
* 2 Port QSFP+ (20 Gbit/s - Stacking Ports)
=== Delta AG5648V1 ===
* 48 Port SFP28 10 - 25 Gbit/s
* 6 Port QSFP28 - 100 Gbit/s
==== BISDN Installation/Upgrade ====
* Anleitung: https://docs.bisdn.de/getting_started/install_bisdn_linux.html
* BISDN-Images: http://repo.bisdn.de/pub/onie/
=== Installation via USB: ===
mit Console-Port verbinden, reboot Switch, U-boot abbrechen durch Tastendruck
run onie-rescue
blkid # Info über angeschlossene Speichermedien
mkdir /tmpInstaller
mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /tempInstaller
onie-nos-install /tempInstaller/onie-bisdn-accton-as4610-v4.6.1.bin
=== Installation via Netz: ===
run onie-rescue
onie-nos-install http://repo.bisdn.de/pub/onie/agema-ag5648/onie-bisdn-agema-ag5648-v4.6.1.bin
==== BISDN Konfiguration ====
Auf den Switches ist Baseboxd installiert.
#start cu: terminates via ~.
#Console-Port: 115.000 Baud
sudo cu -l /dev/tty.usbserial-FTF8T2BZ -s 115200
login: basebox
password: b-isdn
Optische Ports bieten keine oder nur eingeschränkte Auto-Negotiation.
Disable auto-negotiation und Portspeed auf 10Gbit/s:
sudo client_drivshell port xe0 AN=off sp=10000 #port 49-50 (xe0-xe3)
sudo client_drivshell port 50 Enable=false
sudo client_drivshell port 50 Enable=true
Use the following command to print the current port configuration:
sudo client_drivshell ports
Use the parameter ''ps'' to list all ports or ''ps '' to list one specific port.
sudo client_drivshell ps 1
Weitere Beispiele hier (z.B. 40 auf 4*10 Breakout-Kabel): https://docs.trellisfabric.org/master/installation.html#vendor-specific-information
**IP Interface Konfiguration:**
ip link show
sudo ip link set port48 up
sudo ip address add dev port48
ethtool port48
**SDD - Write Cache disable:**
I created a ''hdparm.service'' file in ''/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants'' with the following settings:
Description=hdparm write cache disable
ExecStart=/sbin/hdparm -W0 /dev/sda
==== Management Interface konfigurieren: ====
In ''/etc/systemd/network'' eine Datei anlegen ''70-enp.network'':
# You can also use wildcards. Maybe you want enable dhcp on an all eth* NICs
# static IP
==== ONIE ====
* https://opencomputeproject.github.io/onie/user-guide/index.html#user-guide
===== Arista =====
* https://www.arista.com/assets/data/pdf/Datasheets/7010T-48_Datasheet.pdf
* https://blog.sflow.com/2017/07/arista-eapi.html
===== Broadcom =====
* https://www.nextplatform.com/2019/12/12/broadcom-launches-another-tomahawk-into-the-datacenter/
===== Facebook =====
* https://engineering.fb.com/2015/02/11/production-engineering/introducing-6-pack-the-first-open-hardware-modular-switch/